OEB Digital https://oebdigital.com/ Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:33:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://oebdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/OEB-Logo-1-150x150.png OEB Digital https://oebdigital.com/ 32 32 What to expect when selling your app https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/what-to-expect-when-selling-your-app/ https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/what-to-expect-when-selling-your-app/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:35:04 +0000 https://oebdigital.com/?p=284 As a founder in the mobile industry, you’ve poured time, effort, and creativity into building your app. Whether it’s your first app in the market or one of many, the decision to sell your app is a significant milestone. Achieving the best exit value is more than just a financial transaction, it’s about realizing the […]

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As a founder in the mobile industry, you’ve poured time, effort, and creativity into building your app. Whether it’s your first app in the market or one of many, the decision to sell your app is a significant milestone. Achieving the best exit value is more than just a financial transaction, it’s about realizing the full potential of your hard work and ensuring the continuity of your vision. Selling a mobile app involves a complex process that can be overwhelming. Understanding what to expect and how to navigate this journey can make all the difference in making it happen. Here’s a comprehensive look at the steps and considerations involved in selling your mobile app, crafted to help you maximize your exit value and achieve a smooth transition.

It won’t be fast

Selling your app takes time, it starts from the idea in your head, gathering all the data in advance, consider to sell the app using a professional broker or via a marketplace, check the interested buyer, answer many questions, negotiations, disclosing the terms and moving into the process.

Usually, the longest part will be to find the right buyer and answer the questions that come up. It can take from a few months to a year and sometimes more. Throughout this period, maintaining the stability and performance of your app is crucial to attract the right buyer.

Questions, questions, questions

Even if you’re well organized and gather your data in advance, potential buyers can have a lot of questions. The questions can be about the numbers, the product, the time it takes to handle the business, the company itself and even more. Remember that buyers are going to spend a lot of money to acquire your app so they have to disclose all the information required. Be patient and cooperative, as the buyers relay on your answers in order to evaluate your app.

Nothing is final until the deal is done

Selling your app is like selling your business, it’s a very sensitive process to all parties. Everyone are willing to make it done fast, but in addition, always pushing in their favor. Even after the price and the terms are agreed, you’ll start with the due diligence process where things can be changed. The apps can be affected by trends, new competitors or anything else, and it may affect the price, or even the deal to happen. For these cases, you should be keep it cool and think how to manage the gaps or hire someone in your favor to handle the process.

Don’t trust everyone

When you list your app for sale, people will ask for your data and ask questions. Not everyone are purely interested in acquiring your app – some of them just trying to get your data and use it in their favor without any intention to actually complete the acquisition.

For these cases, it’s important to sign a solid non-disclosure agreement (NDA), check if the buyer is reliable and his actual intentions before you share any sensitive information and your strategy.

Offers can be different than your expectations

When you decide to list your app for sale, you probably have listing price and a minimum price in your mind. As it’s important to have them in mind, you should also consider that the market has a price of its own, which you discover only when you put your app for sale and start to receive offers. Although it can also be higher than you thought if you underestimate yourself, it can be even lower than you thought if you overestimate.

If it’s important for you to sell fast, consider flexibility in your expectations. But if you’re not in a rush, invest your time to raise the app, which can directly raise the offer you can get.

Potential is subjective – buyers don’t pay for potential

You can absolutely consider the growth potential in your listing price, but don’t let it affect it to heavily. Buyers tend to put an offer on a business according to its current state, as they already take a risk by purchasing it and they can’t project the future. In addition, each buyer will see different growth potential as it depends on their available resources and expertises that can be applied on the acquired app.

Your listing price is not everything

In addition to your listing price, you should also consider other aspects of the deal. Sometimes, the price you’re offered is acceptable, but it’ll take you three years to get it in your account, or you’ll be required to provide support for a full year. There are terms that can be negotiable, and some are required to complete the deal.

Note which are required and where you can get better terms, or you can be creative and get higher price for support.

Taxes have to be paid

Although the first thought that come to your mind when selling the app is the money you’ll get in your bank account, don’t forget that it also has expenses to be paid. For each country the taxes are different, and can differ also by the type of the deal (IP or SPA).

Make sure to discuss with your CPA to understand the costs of the taxes required in your country, or check the consequences of moving your company to another country with minimal taxes.

Not every potential buyer will put an offer

When a buyer is interested in your app, he’ll check the data that is important to make an offer, but sometimes, the data provided can lead to a pass. Remember that companies have their acquisition criteria to make the deal successful for them too, and sometimes, it’s just not the right match. Keep cool and stay cooperative, even if you have several “no”, you only need the right “yes” with the right price for you.

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The Emotional Side of Selling Your Mobile Apps or Games https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/the-emotional-side-of-selling-your-mobile-apps-or-games/ https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/the-emotional-side-of-selling-your-mobile-apps-or-games/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:34:43 +0000 https://oebdigital.com/?p=282 Selling your mobile app, game, or business has an emotional side that nobody talks about. The business world might come across as cold, run by numbers, and what seems like “emotionless people”. It doesn’t wait for you to handle your emotions or have it all together before making a decision that will impact your life […]

The post The Emotional Side of Selling Your Mobile Apps or Games appeared first on OEB Digital.

Selling your mobile app, game, or business has an emotional side that nobody talks about. The business world might come across as cold, run by numbers, and what seems like “emotionless people”. It doesn’t wait for you to handle your emotions or have it all together before making a decision that will impact your life and the people relying on you, such as employees, stakeholders, and most importantly, your family.

In reality, the business world is run by humans who, by nature, are emotional beings. Those who use their emotions in their favour thrive, while those who don’t end up learning a lesson the hard way.

If you own a mobile app, game, or business, and the idea of selling has crossed your mind or the decision is already made, this article is for you. Through this article, we want you to feel acknowledged and heard by discussing what you can expect emotionally and how you can navigate the feelings that arise in the process of making an exit from your life’s work and thrive.

Thank you for being here!

What Are You Selling For?

“What for?” is one of the first questions to be answered. It’s a question that gives purpose to your decision. In order to answer that question, you could consider the following: What comes to your mind when you think of selling?

  • Fear
  • Courage
  • Creativity
  • Freedom
  • Sadness
  • Options
  • Boredom
  • Re-capitalization
  • Pension

Whatever comes to your mind, allow yourself to think of it, feel it, analyze it… If you feel comfortable with the decision, then it might be coming from a good place, from intuition. On the other hand, if you feel uncomfortable, it might be coming from a different place, and it’s important to analyze where it is coming from and if it’s a good motivator to run your decision from.

Once you have figured this out, then you can give a rational answer to your “What for” question, and this will be your anchor for any emotion that arises during the entire process of selling.

It might be the case that you are selling because you have no options, and even in that case, giving an answer to the aforementioned question could help you make peace with the decision and get the best outcome from the process.

Attachment to Your Creation

One important feeling to relinquish when you have made your decision to sell is attachment. You may feel as if your mobile app or game is like a baby to you; you poured so much time and effort to grow it, and now it feels as if you are giving it away. Or maybe you feel like it has consistently provided for you, and the thought of letting that sense of security go overwhelms you.

The reason behind the attachment will vary from person to person, or maybe you don’t feel it at all. In any case, taking the time to recognize how you feel about it will help you on your path forward. Go back to your “What for” question, and remind yourself that there is a purpose behind your decision. Sit down to reflect on how your type of attachment is making you feel and if it’s baggage that you want to continue carrying or free yourself from.

“The journey is inevitable; baggage is optional.” – Unknown

Facing attachment might take time; not facing it before selling might interfere with your decision-making process. Having a third party involved can help you save time, make more rational calls that align with your purpose, and provide better results.

Letting Go of Control

You have defined your purpose, relinquished your attachment, and now comes the time to let go of control. Letting go of control can be a hard task, especially when you feel like you are lacking information. Take the time to educate yourself or find an expert whom you trust to help you throughout the process of selling your apps or games; in any case, information will help you free yourself from control. Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • What does the process of selling look like?
  • What kind of information will I need to deliver?
  • How do I protect my information?
  • What kind of buyer do I want to sell to? (This one is connected to your purpose.)
  • How do I make sure to get the best value for my asset?
  • How will I get paid? Is it secure?
  • How will the buyer handle the asset after I sell it? Is this really important to me?
  • What will be my responsibility to the buyer once I sell?

Giving answers to these questions and many others will help soothe your nervous system and allow you to make informed decisions. In return, it will make it easier for you to let go of control and own the process of selling your asset.

Identity and Self-Worth

Who are you? Definitely not your mobile app, game, business, or the success coming from any of these. You are the person you had to become to build the aforementioned, and selling it won’t take that away from you. Who are you? You are a businessman/woman, a parent, a friend, someone’s child, a sibling, a lover; you are all of those things and none at the same time. You are nothing that is outside of yourself because those are just a reflection of what you really are inside.

That being said, your worth and your identity are not built by your asset; your worth and identity built your asset, and nothing can change that. Instead of identifying with your material creation, think of the person you had to become to build it. Think of the transferable knowledge that will continue to exist within your identity even if you let go of your asset.

When it comes to self-worth, whenever you place it outside of yourself, it will be volatile, like a currency. It depends on the market, the opinions of people, competitors, clients, and other fluctuating factors. Make sure to choose wisely where you want to place your worth.

What are your identity and self-worth? Dare to find out!

Fear of the Unknown

What comes next after selling? For some, the answer to this question is obvious; for others, it remains unanswered.

One thing is certain: life goes on. Selling your asset might leave an empty room in your mind with lots of questions to answer, like:

  • How do I relocate my free time?
  • What do I want to do with the profit coming from the sale?
  • Do I want to keep the responsibility of owning a company?
  • How do I continue to make money? Do I need/want to?

Whenever we free space in our mind from one habit or activity, it’s important to reoccupy that space and time with intention; otherwise, life will do it for you. Take the time to analyze how you want your life to look after selling. Reflecting on this will allow you to have a sense of direction and will certainly help you with the fear of the unknown.

“We do not have a fear of the unknown. What we fear is giving up the known.” -Anthony De Mello

Financial Considerations

There are plenty of emotions and stress related to the financial aspect of a sale. Of course, you want to get the highest value for your asset, and once you get it, you worry about expenses such as taxes and how to make good use of the remaining profit.

For the process of selling itself, it’s important to bear in mind that the very nature of the buyer-seller relationship is that the seller wants to sell for the highest price, the buyer wants to buy for the lowest, and the negotiation will be typically closed in the gap between the expectations of each side.

When it comes to what happens after cashing in, this is something you want to reflect on and get advice for; this will be part of your after-selling plan and should be aligned with your purpose.

Having a third party on your side during the negotiation can significantly reduce the stress related to it by making sure you get the highest value possible for your asset without having to handle the process yourself.

Impact on Relationships

Selling your assets will have an impact on your relationships. Depending on who is involved, you might have to communicate the decision to several parties such as team members, investors, collaborators, and maybe even your users.

Take the time to communicate the decision and next steps, giving them time to also assimilate the change. Acknowledge their work and dedication to the asset, and be prepared to deal with different kinds of emotions coming from them.

Grieving the Loss

Finally, you have given away your life’s work, your creation, your sense of identity or worth, your source of success, one source of income, or maybe your only source of income; you have given away whatever your asset meant to you.

It might feel like a loss, and it’s okay to feel that way. Take the time to sit down with your loss, grieve it, and finally enjoy the benefits of your sale. Here’s where having a purpose before selling comes in: your anchor. If you had a purposeful sale, your sense of loss is diminished because there is no regret in your decision. It’s part of a plan, and now you get to start feeling the excitement from your new phase of the plan.

Enjoying the Ride of Selling

All types of emotions have an important role in our lives. And because not all emotions are unwanted, remember to take the time to enjoy the process of selling your asset, to feel grateful to yourself and others for creating this opportunity for you, to feel the excitement of new doors opening, to celebrate your achievements, whom you have become while achieving them and why not, enjoy the ego boost of “I made an exit”. Whatever the vibe, make sure to enjoy the ride.


In conclusion, selling your mobile app, game, or business involves a set of emotions that you will have to handle throughout the process. Making use of the advice provided in this article can help you to acknowledge them, which in return will allow you to have those emotions on your side. As a result, having your emotions on your side will bring better outcomes from your selling process.

Mastering the above can be a tough task, but having a third party on your side will make your life easier, giving you access to instant knowledge and advice from a partner who cares.

Thanks a lot for reading!

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Why Use a Broker for Your Mobile Exit https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/why-use-a-broker-for-your-mobile-exit/ https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/why-use-a-broker-for-your-mobile-exit/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:32:25 +0000 https://oebdigital.com/?p=280 Going through the process of selling your mobile asset can be a time consuming task and the industry of mobile Apps & Games is a fast paced one, it doesn’t wait for you to make the right call. With so many factors to consider, from market trends to valuation, having an expert guidance every step […]

The post Why Use a Broker for Your Mobile Exit appeared first on OEB Digital.

Going through the process of selling your mobile asset can be a time consuming task and the industry of mobile Apps & Games is a fast paced one, it doesn’t wait for you to make the right call. With so many factors to consider, from market trends to valuation, having an expert guidance every step of the way has a positive impact in the time you invest in the process and the final value you get for your asset. This is where using the help of a broker can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll delve into the key reasons why utilizing the services of a broker is essential for a successful mobile exit.


I want to sell my app! Why shouldn’t I do it by myself?

You decided that you want to sell your app, but there are so many questions and thoughts arise after your decision:

  • How can I secure my funds?
  • What is the structure of a deal?
  • I have never handled a negotiation process, What is that like? Am I good at that?
  • What happens if the buyer drops the deal?
  • How do I value my asset?
  • How do I find buyers? Are they reliable?
  • Who would be interested in buying my specific asset?
  • How much time and resources will I need for this process?
  • Will I get a fair price for my asset?
  • Will the buyer take care of my users?
  • Will the buyer take the asset’s potential into consideration?
  • Who can I trust from my team to take care of this process for me?
  • How do I sell my assets in a frictionless way?
  • Can I really trust on the other side?
  • Is the buyer only collecting data, or is he really serious?

As you can see and expect, there are many open questions, and the issue is that reading all the information on the Internet is not a substitute for the experience of a professional


Hiring a broker is NOT only to get connected to a buyer

A lot of people think that when they are hiring a brokerage firm, all of their job is to ‘’just’’ send them a potential buyer, well it is true when you are choosing the wrong broker.

By choosing a good broker, you are actually buying much more than that, you are buying a diverse set of skills and experience as detailed below:

  1. Market Expertise: Selling a mobile app or game requires a deep understanding of the industry landscape. Brokers specialize in this niche market and possess valuable insights into current trends, buyer preferences, and emerging opportunities. Their knowledge allows them to accurately assess the value of your asset and identify potential buyers who are willing to pay a premium.
  2. Maximizing Value: One of the primary objectives when selling any business asset is to maximize its value. Brokers are skilled negotiators with a proven track record of securing the highest possible price for their clients. By leveraging their expertise in valuation methodologies and deal structuring, brokers can optimize the terms of the sale to ensure that you receive the best return on your investment. Choosing a broker who represents you as a seller is important since he has a full interest in getting you the highest price.
  3. Access to a Network of Buyers: Brokers have extensive networks of qualified buyers who are actively seeking acquisition opportunities in the mobile app and game industry. These buyers may include strategic investors, venture capital firms, private equity groups, and other interested parties. By tapping into their network, brokers can generate competitive bidding scenarios that drive up the selling price and create a favorable outcome for you as the seller.
  4. Confidentiality and Discretion: Maintaining confidentiality during the sale process is critical to protecting the reputation and value of your mobile asset. Brokers understand the importance of discretion and employ stringent confidentiality measures to safeguard sensitive information. They also act as intermediaries between you and potential buyers, shielding you from direct negotiations and ensuring that your interests are always prioritized.
  5. Streamlined Process: Selling a mobile app or game involves numerous complexities, from due diligence to legal documentation. Brokers advice you through the entire process, they have the expertise to navigate potential obstacles and mitigate risks, allowing you to focus on running your business with minimal disruption.
  6. Negotiation and Deal Structuring: Many people who have never managed the negotiation process underestimate it. A good negotiator person is a mix of a gift, skill and experience, it’s a true art. It requires creative and strategic thinking and the ability to act fast in real time.A broker will tailor the deal structure that best suits your interests, such as a cash deal or revenue share.
  7. Expert Guidance and Care: Someone to trust – You are not alone in the process. For every question that you have during the process, you can just ping your broker. Every step is much clearer, and you have someone to talk to. Since the broker has already done numerous deals before, he will guide you through the process and help you with every decision you need to make. It’s important to have an expert on board and not let your feelings get involved.
  8. Time SaverWhen you are listing your assets for sale, there is a lot of stuff to handle, start with collecting all the data, and continuing with answering a lot of questions distract you from the real buyer and up to using your skills in the negotiation process up to close the deal.
  9. Close the dealA lack of experience is noticeable – Sellers may harm the deal for many reasons: Ego, mixed feelings, lack of communication with a different mentality in the world, unfamiliar with the potential buyer and his work process and much more.
    Using an experienced broker will help you close the deal and make the best decision down the road.
  10. At OEB Digital we know that selling a mobile asset can be an emotional and complex process. That’s why we care about providing guidance and support every step of the way for our clients, offering objective advice and practical solutions to overcome any challenges that may arise. Our expertise serves as a trusted resource, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve your desired outcome.

In conclusion, hiring a broker for your mobile exit is an advantageous decision. Giving you access to instant market expertise and a trusted partner who will care for your interests and as a result get the best value for your assets. By using OEB Digital’s help in your exit you will save the time of having to answer all the questions at the beginning of the article and skipping them to receive valuable advice and offers from serious buyers.


Interested in learning more? let’s meet and talk about your needs further.


Other Resources

When you hire a broker, you are paying for his experience with past deals, his connections in the industry, his knowledge that will always leave you with no open questions, his time to manage the deal and, most importantly, his negotiating expertise so he can get the highest price possible for you.


The Value of Having an Expert by Your Side

Having an expert like OEB Digital by your side can pose a significant source of security while selling your mobile app or game. Here’s how:

  • Emotional support and guidanceHaving an empathetic partner by your side will provide you the emotional support you may need, helping you to feel grounded and focused throughout the process.
  • Objective perspectiveAn expert like OEB Digital brings an impartial perspective to the table, allowing you to make more rational decisions that align with your purpose.
  • Expertise in valuation and negotiationTwo critical aspects in the process of selling are determining the value of your asset and getting that value from a buyer. An experienced broker will provide you with instant access to market insights, helping you to determine a value that is both reasonable within the market numbers and pushing you to get the best outcome. Advising you when to sell and securing that value will be also a crucial help you will receive.
  • Streamlined process managementOEB Digital’s experience in the field will allow you to know the course of action from the first moment.
  • Enhanced network and market reachImmediate access to a diversified pool of potential buyers, increasing the possibilities to find a serious buyer that aligns with your purpose.
  • Confidentiality and professionalismAn expert helps you to maintain the confidentiality of your information, protecting your asset’s reputation and value.
  • Long-term relationshipThe relationship isn’t limited to one deal, it’s rather a long term relationship that will allow you to make decisions for the long run.

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How to sell your app and nail your EXIT? https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/how-to-sell-your-app-and-nail-your-exit/ https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/how-to-sell-your-app-and-nail-your-exit/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:31:06 +0000 https://oebdigital.com/?p=278 In the dynamic and competitive landscape of mobile apps, successfully selling your app or game can be a complex and nuanced process. For co-founders and CEOs at the helm of small app or games companies, understanding the intricacies of app sales and mergers is crucial. Although your expertise may lie in product development, recognizing and […]

The post How to sell your app and nail your EXIT? appeared first on OEB Digital.

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of mobile apps, successfully selling your app or game can be a complex and nuanced process. For co-founders and CEOs at the helm of small app or games companies, understanding the intricacies of app sales and mergers is crucial. Although your expertise may lie in product development, recognizing and navigating the complexities of the market during a sale is equally important. This guide aims to provide insight into the essential aspects of selling your app, ensuring you make an informed and profitable exit.


Broadening Your Buyer Network

The first step in maximizing your app’s sale price is to have a wide network of potential buyers. This involves more than just listing your app for sale, it’s about actively seeking out and engaging with a variety of interested buyers. Each potential buyer brings a unique perspective and set of values to the table, and understanding these differences is crucial. Engaging with a diverse group of potential buyers increases your chances of finding the right match and can lead to competitive offers. Competition can be a great thing and can be leveraged for a higher price. However, it requires gentle skills to raise each buyer’s offers without blowing the deal. Expanding your reach requires a strategic approach, where understanding the market and potential buyer profiles plays a crucial role.


The Role of Emotions in Negotiations

When it comes to negotiations, keeping a clear head and staying objective is essential. Emotional attachment to your app can harm your judgment, potentially leading to overvaluation, undervaluation or unrealistic expectations. It’s important to remember that while your app may hold significant personal value, its market value is determined by different factors. These include its profitability, user base, potential for growth, and overall market trends. Balancing emotional attachment with a realistic understanding of the market is critical. A dispassionate approach to negotiations helps in making informed decisions and ensures that you don’t undervalue or overprice your app.


Understanding Buyer Motivations and Strategies

In the app market, not every interested buyer is a genuine buyer. Some may fake interest without any real intention of acquisition, while others might be in the market but not openly looking for acquisitions. Understanding the difference between these types of buyers is crucial to saving time and protecting sensitive information about your app. Discerning serious buyers from the rest and understanding their acquisition strategies is a critical part of the selling process. It involves a careful analysis of buyer profiles and market trends.


The Art of Negotiation

It’s the real deal! When an offer is on the table, the action begins. This is not just a matter of stating a price and sticking to it, it’s about understanding the psychology of negotiation and the specific needs and wants of each buyer. Each potential buyer requires a unique approach, and knowing when to push for a higher offer or when to adopt a more conservative stance is an art. This stage is delicate, and a misstep could significantly impact the final deal, both financially and in terms of opportunities.


Looking Beyond Financial Gains

When selling your app, it’s important to look beyond the immediate financial gain. A successful sale can open doors to new opportunities, such as connections in the industry, insights into the M&A process, and the experience of navigating a complex business transaction. These benefits can be just as valuable as the sale price. They provide a platform for future growth and development, both personally and professionally. Furthermore, the sale of your app can free up time and resources, allowing you to pursue new projects with the benefit of the experience and connections gained.


Creativity in Deal Structuring

Finally, enhancing the value of your deal often requires a creative approach. Beyond the app itself, think about what additional benefits you can offer to a potential buyer. This could include your expertise and insight into the app’s market, additional features or services that could be developed, or even ongoing support and consultation post-sale. Tailoring your offer to align with the buyer’s specific needs and goals can increase the overall value of the deal. It demonstrates not only the value of the app itself but also the additional value you, as the seller, can provide.


In conclusion, selling your app involves a balanced approach that includes strategic planning, emotional intelligence, an understanding of the market, skilled negotiation, and creative deal structuring. Navigating this process successfully can lead to a profitable and fulfilling exit, setting the stage for your next entrepreneurial endeavor.

The post How to sell your app and nail your EXIT? appeared first on OEB Digital.

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Maximizing Value: A Strategic Guide to Preparing Your App for Sale https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/maximizing-value-a-strategic-guide-to-preparing-your-app-for-sale/ https://oebdigital.com/2024/08/28/maximizing-value-a-strategic-guide-to-preparing-your-app-for-sale/#respond Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:30:26 +0000 https://oebdigital.com/?p=276 Gearing Up for a Profitable EXIT In the highly competitive and ever-changing world of mobile app sales, achieving a significant and profitable EXIT is a complex and nuanced effort that requires much more than just a well-crafted app. Success in this mission depends upon understanding the app marketplace’s complex dynamics and executing a well-planned strategy. […]

The post Maximizing Value: A Strategic Guide to Preparing Your App for Sale appeared first on OEB Digital.

Gearing Up for a Profitable EXIT

In the highly competitive and ever-changing world of mobile app sales, achieving a significant and profitable EXIT is a complex and nuanced effort that requires much more than just a well-crafted app. Success in this mission depends upon understanding the app marketplace’s complex dynamics and executing a well-planned strategy. For app owners, this means not only creating an app that stands out in terms of quality and innovation but also positioning it within an increasingly saturated market. This involves a deep dive into market analysis, user engagement, and financial strategies that can turn a potential sale into a lucrative reality. The process is similar to a carefully orchestrated journey, where each step, from development to sale, is vital in determining the final outcome. In this context, we explore the essential strategies and steps that can increase the potential of an app sale, transforming it from a possibility into a rewarding and profitable EXIT.


In-Depth App Evaluation: Assessing Potential and Setting Expectations

The path to a successful EXIT begins with a comprehensive and honest evaluation of your app, which is much more complex than a superficial glance at its current state. This process involves a careful examination of various facets of your app, focusing on its unique qualities and potential market impact. It’s essential to evaluate the app’s design, user experience, the size and engagement of the user base, revenue patterns, and scalability potential. This extensive assessment helps in setting realistic and data-driven expectations for the sale, and it serves as a foundation for formulating a powerful sales strategy. Such an evaluation is crucial not only for understanding the current worth of your app but also for its potential to grow and thrive under new ownership. It’s about seeing the full spectrum of your app’s capabilities and potential, which is pivotal in attracting serious buyers and achieving a valuation that reflects its true value.


Market Positioning: Understanding Your Competitive Edge

Successfully positioning your app in the market involves more than just understanding your direct competition. It requires a comprehensive analysis of your app’s standing in relation to the broader market environment. This includes dissecting your app’s market share, analyzing user engagement metrics in detail, and comparing these aspects with your competitors. The goal here is to develop a compelling narrative that highlights your app’s strengths and unique selling propositions. This narrative is essential for attracting serious buyers and achieving a sale price that reflects the true value of your app. Understanding and articulating your app’s unique place in the market ecosystem not only enhances its appeal to potential buyers but also sets the stage for negotiating a higher sale price.


Fueling the Fire: User Growth and Retention

A strategic and well-executed user acquisition plan is crucial in the lead-up to an app sale. Contrary to the notion of reducing expenses during this phase, it is a time when investment in user acquisition should be maintained or even increased. This period is pivotal for demonstrating to potential buyers that your app has a strong and growing user base, marking its potential for continued expansion and success. Sustained or enhanced investment in user acquisition and user retention strategies during this phase serves as a strong indicator of the app’s vitality and market appeal. Such an approach not only boosts the app’s immediate market presence but also enhances its long-term valuation prospects, making it a more attractive investment for potential buyers.


Adherence to Standards: A Non-Negotiable Priority

Ensuring that your app strictly complies with all platform policies and guidelines is a critical aspect of preparing it for sale. Compliance is a significant indicator of an app’s operational reliability and future viability, which are key considerations for potential buyers. In the mobile app world, non-compliance with platform policies, such as those set by Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store, can be a major deterrent for buyers. It can indicate potential legal and operational risks that could arise post-sale. Therefore, ensuring that your app is fully compliant not only mitigates these risks but also supports its appeal in the eyes of buyers who prioritize stability and security in their investments. This step in preparing for an EXIT involves a thorough review of the app’s compliance with all necessary standards and regulations, ensuring that it stands up to the scrutiny of discerning buyers. By showcasing an app that is not only high-performing and popular but also fully compliant and above board, you enhance its marketability and attractiveness, paving the way for a smoother sale process and potentially a higher sale price.


Preparing for a profitable EXIT in the mobile app market is a complex and multi-layered process that demands strategic planning, deep market understanding, and a sharp eye for detail. It’s about much more than just deciding to sell, it’s about maximizing the inherent value of your app and ensuring that it finds the right buyer who can recognize and fulfill its potential. By deeply assessing your app, strategically positioning it in the market, wisely investing in user growth, and ensuring compliance with platform standards, you significantly increase the chances of a successful and lucrative sale. This process is about showcasing the full potential of your app, its market readiness, and its future growth prospects. It’s a journey that, when navigated with care and expertise, can lead to a rewarding and fulfilling EXIT, reflecting the true value and potential of your mobile app.

The post Maximizing Value: A Strategic Guide to Preparing Your App for Sale appeared first on OEB Digital.

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